Krazy Emerald's Wine Party




"BettyBoop Designs"




It's Tourney Time


Valentines Day Wine Party

What is a wine party?
A wine party is simply a party where the guests drink wine and nibble on appetizers. The wines can be red, white, rose, sparkling or a mixture of all of the above. You could even serve up a few pitchers of spiced cranberry sangria for people to start with.
When you win a KWP tournament you must give the host the name of you choice. (Example Champagne and chocolate cherries) You will get one point for winning.
You can receive extra points by getting RED 3 (4 points) or red canastas (2 points). The person with the highest point accumulation at the end of February will be the winner. You can play @ 12am, 10am, 12pm, 2pm, 4pm, 7pm, 10pm. Do not forget to post you drink choice to your host.

Check your progress here!



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