"BettyBoop Designs"



sPAde  FriEnDs  hApPY  HouR 

Round 1

1. So if you have a void suit (none of a suit), nil. If not, bid reg.
Play thrizz--bid 3 or spades or nil/DN.
Ace of clubs chooses Mirror Spades or Suicide All Bids.
o you have more hearts than any other suit [or hearts is tied for most in a suit?] Nil!   If not, bid 3.
Everyone bid reg, but play all your red cards, before playing a black one. You must say "out" on table chat when you are out of red cards.
For fun let's play Suicide! 1 p bids nil/DN and 1 p bids reg.
Reaching the finale! Each player must bid team bags or nil or BN.

Round 2
It's time to bid reg, but you can't trump dimes until you are spade tight. You must say "spade tight" on table chat if you trump a diamond.
Everyone loves Stripicide! 1 p nil/Dns, 1 p bid reg and then  ONLY the nils must strip.
Now, red team bids a red suit. State which. Blue team bids a black suit. State which. Both team members can bid same suit.
Down for some lowball! Bid reg, then crawl!
So one partner bids 5 and one bids anything.
Have an ace or king in your hand? Yay, bid reg. If not, nil or BN.
Almost done! Each player must bid team bags or nil or BN.

Round 3
Please count jacks! If you have 1 black jack, bid 3. 2 black jacks, nil.  No black jacks, reg.
Pick from Mirrors, Whiz, or All Nil if you have the 2 of diamonds.
You got the 7 of hearts? Choose from: Bid 3, then crawl / OR Vanity / OR Suicide.
How to choose? 1st bidder of losing team picks number bid for all (0-4). NBN
5. Oh reg? NOT in a Selsified tour! Team bid must = last number of team score OR 7.
U ready for final hand? Plan now! Choose to bid 1 or 5.
Really the end! Each player must bid team bags or nil/DN.

*If a player misplays or misbids on any hand 1-6, the team may renege. You may not renege if you misbid on Hand 7 of any round.

*If the tourney lasts more than three rounds, we will repeat the Rds 1, 2, and 3 formats, in order.  

*If game ends in a tie, play tie-breaker hand:  One pard nils/bns and the other bids 3 for each ace in hand; if no aces, bid reg.


Glossary of Spade Terms:

Crawl - play low to high in every suit; you may trump, but must use lowest trump.
Lowball - bid reg, then crawl (play low to high in every suit)
Mirrors - bid spades
Spade Tight - a player has nothing left but spades
Strip - do not play a spade until you have nothing else or a spade leads
Suicide - 1 p bids reg, 1 p bids nil/BN (both p's can nil/BN)
Team bid-both partners' bids combined
Thrizz - bid 3 or spades or nil/BN
Vanity - bid spades, do not trump or play a spade until you must
Void Suit - when a player has none of a suit
Whiz - bid spades or nil/BN


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