Any plans that a host purchases from us gets split up between all designers,  no matter who works on the pages. The Designers

Work for BoopsTCpages, and any page created by Designers will remain on the site and are the property of BoopsTCpages.





$ 12.00



  • 10 Pages

  • 8 Pages 

  • 6 Pages 

  • 4 Pages 

  • 2 Pages

  • $8.00 Per Page

  • Name added to contest wheel automatically. 
  • Name added to contest wheel automatically. 
  • Name added to contest wheel automatically. 
  • Name added to contest wheel automatically. 
  • Name added to contest wheel automatically. 
  • Name added to contest wheel automatically. 
  • 1st in Line & given TOP PRIORITY!
    Diamond Member pages will be done in order of receipt of other Diamond Members.
    Depending on if an order comes in and the designer is not working on another non diamond membership. Those will get done first if they have been started on already.
  • Pages completed in order of receipt
  • Pages completed in order of receipt
  • Pages completed in order of receipt
  • Pages completed in order of receipt
  • Pages completed in order of 

  • receipt

  • Pages can be gifted to others in league, but are not moved up to Diamond Status. A limit of 3 pages per month can be gifted to others.  Gifted page(s) will be done in the order of receipt.
  • Pages can be gifted to others in league, A limit of 3 pages per month can be gifted to others.  and will be done in the order of receipt.
  • Pages can be gifted to others in league, A limit of 3 pages per month can be gifted to others. and will be done in the order of receipt.

  • Pages can be gifted to others in league, A limit of 3 pages per month can be gifted to others. and will be done in the order of receipt.

  • Pages can be gifted to others in league, A limit of 3 pages per month can be gifted to others. and will be done in the order of receipt.
  • $1.00  Per Page for Name Changes if you choose to change host name  

  • Free Name Changes  1 Change Allowed
  • Free Name Changes 1 Change Allowed
  • Free Name Changes 1 Change Allowed
  • Free Name Changes 1 Change Allowed

  • Free Name Changes 1 Change Allowed
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  • Pages NEVER expire, they accumulate!! 
  • Pages NEVER expire, they accumulate!! 
  • Pages NEVER expire, they accumulate!! 
  • Pages NEVER expire, they accumulate!! 
  • Pages NEVER expire, they accumulate!! 

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